International Council on Combustion Engines(CIMAC)--国际内燃机委员会



  CIMAC is a worldwide non-profit association consisting of National Member Associations and Corporate Members in 26 countries in America, Asia and Europe.

  Who we are

  We represent the large engine technology sector. This includes diesel and gas engines and gas turbines which are used for power generation, marine propulsion and locomotives. Our stakeholders include manufacturers, researchers, suppliers and users.

  The values we bring

  Large combustion engine machinery is essential to the global economy, especially the maritime transport, energy and rail sectors.

  Only large combustion engines have the capacity to deliver the power density needed in these sectors. Large engine technology moves the world.

  Our vision

  To promote large engine technology power solutions that are efficient, reliable, safe and sustainable and of benefit to society, in pursuit of the transition to a low-carbon future.